Pubblicazioni : Libro sull'ISES
The Fifty-Year History of the International Solar Energy Society and its National Sections
L'International Solar Energy Society ha celebrato nello scorso mese di agosto in Florida (Stati Uniti) i 50 anni dal primo congresso mondiale sugli aspetti scientifici e applicativi dell’energia solare, che si tenne in Arizona nel 1955 (
Per ricordare questo evento, onorare la memoria dei pionieri dell'energia solare e trarre eventuali insegnamenti dal passato, sono state svolte varie iniziative a carattere storico culturale. Tra queste la pubblicazione "The Fifty-Year History of the International Solar Energy Society and its National Sections", un'opera di circa 1200 pagine, in due volumi (1954/1980 e 1980/2004), che racconta in particolare gli ultimi 50 anni della storia dell'energia solare e dell'ISES.
I capitoli in cui sono suddivisi i due volumi sono stati curati da 45 autori di 34 paesi anche con il contributo delle sezioni nazionali dell’ISES, inclusa
la cronistoria e le attività della Sezione italiana dell’International Solar Energy Society in due capitoli – 1964/1980 e 1980/2004 - illustrate con 28 fotografie. [sommari di seguito]
I due volumi possono essere acquistati on line sul sito dell'ISES.
ISES ITALIA Section of the International Solar Energy Society (1964-1980)
by Cesare Silvi
This chapter reports the story of the Italian Section of ISES from 1964 to 1980. The first part of this chapter outlines the history of solar energy in Italy from before the introduction of fossil fuels, around 1850, to the early 1950s, when the country launched its programs for the use of nuclear energy.
The second part describes:
- the creation of the Italian Section of ISES, in 1964, on the initiative of Vittorio Storeli, an aeronautical engineer interested in what he called “the science of the Sun”;
- the Section’s activities before and after the 1973 oil shock, when growing interest in solar energy led to a rapid expansion of the Section’s role;
- the official foundation of the association in 1978 and – as major Italian energy companies and agencies (including ENI and ENEL) joined – its transformation at a time when large-scale solar projects were starting up in Italy, among them the 1 MW “Eurelios” solar thermoelectric plant built in the Sicilian town of Adrano, whose construction was completed in December of 1980.
ISES ITALIA Section of the International Solar Energy Society (1980-2004)
by Cesare Silvi
This chapter recounts the history of the Italian Section of ISES from 1980 to 2004. The phase steered by Vittorio Storelli, who founded the Section in 1964, began to draw to an end in 1978, when major energy agencies like ENI and ENEL became members. Corrado Corvi was elected president in 1981 and served until 1998. This was a period rich in initiatives that broadened the Section’s scope of action to include other renewable sources (e.g., biomass and wind energy) and energy conservation, and encouraged the nation’s major research and energy institutions to become more and more involved in the Section’s activities. The 1987 referendum that halted the development of nuclear energy in Italy made the Section’s potential role still more evident. However, nuclear power was abandoned at a time when solar energy seemed unable to live up to expectations and oil prices were falling. Preparations for the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the ISES 2000 program promoted by Michael Nicklas relaunched the Section’s activities. On the occasion of the Earth Summit, the Section organized a solar art exhibition in Rome that had no parallel anywhere in the world. In 1998, Vincenzo Naso was elected president of ISES ITALIA, the Section’s official name since 1995. Naso’s presidency came at a time when the renewables market was growing and new associations, magazines, conferences and trade fairs devoted to the various renewables sectors were multiplying. It was also the time when the Internet began to boom. ISES ITALIA kept up to date, changing again so as to remain among Italy’s principal cultural, scientific and technological reference points for solar energy and renewables. From 1980 to 2004, ISES ITALIA contributed to ISES under the presidencies of Corrado Corvi (1987-1989) and Cesare Silvi (1999-2001).
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